Saturday, January 29, 2011

2 Things Challenge: Flimsy/Solid

The 2 Things Challenge this week was Flimsy/Solid.  This photographic concoction is the reflection of the forest in the rocky shallows of one of the many ponds around Mt. Katahdin in Maine.  In the center of the image the rocks look pretty solid and the reflection looks very flimsy, whereas on the edges, the rocks themselves look flimsy, almost floating, and the reflection looks more solid, albeit upside down as lake reflections tend to be. 


Vivian aka Deborah said...

This is a very interesting photo...looks like a painting. Great interpretation for this weeks challenge. And yes, the rocks on the edge appear to be floating.
I love the colors.

ShEiLa said...

This is also a very cool photo. I love photography because there are a million different ways to interpret nature and the world around us.


Rob said...

Really like this one, difficult to tell what begins where.