Friday, February 1, 2013

2 Things Challenge: Seat/Real

The challenge for this week is Seat/Real.

Sometimes life can be so real you just want to take a seat and get away from it all.


ShEiLa said...

Oh I really love this! Life can be too real sometimes. My friends young son was just told that the mass on his leg is cancer. I hope I can come up with an entry this week... Leaving to visit my daughter... I hope time permits. If not next week.


Mouse said...

Very moving photo, Eeyore. And how true.

Eeyore said...

This from way back in the archives. It is actually frame number 334 I took with my new digital camera, back in 2007, and I'm sure I'm over 30,000 now. I know a lot more about photography now, but even a blind hog finds an acorn sometimes.

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Excellent Life shot! I love it. People in action ( or not ) taking a break from the realities of life.

Ok.....I am going to look through my archives now....